
KMG Engineering Atyrau Branch organized a charity event for the International Children’s Day.

KMG Engineering Atyrau Branch organized a charity event for the International Children’s Day.

  • 02.06.2022
  • News-Eng
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On the eve of the holiday, the Field Design and Development Block of the Branch provided food aid to five low-income residents of Atyrau using funds raised on their own initiative.

Volunteers shared information about families most in need with the Atyrau Branch employees.

In total, about 30 children that have received support are being raised in families in unfavourable living and material conditions.

“Using funds raised by our colleagues, we bought two sheep and food, which we then distributed to five low-income families with children.

We also sent the rest of the money to the card accounts of the parents. As the adults in the families said that our help was just as helpful as ever.

Many of them are raising children with special needs, they do not work, live in temporary housing, and struggle to obtain medicines and food at the end of the month. That is why our support was at the right time, and the children will feel the warmth and care of caring people on their holiday,” noted Nurlan KAZIYEV, Deputy Director of Field Design and Development of the KMG Engineering LLP Atyrau Branch.

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