
KMG Engineering discussed the results of its work for 2023 and the prospects of its activities

KMG Engineering discussed the results of its work for 2023 and the prospects of its activities

The annual reporting meeting of the management with the staff was held in the Company.

General Director Rakhim Uteyev addressed the audience with a welcoming speech. He informed about the key projects implemented last year.

– We completed 38 works within the CCED (Central Committee for Exploration and Development) and 16 works at the GKZ (State Reserve Commission). Thanks to these projects, we annually increase geological and recoverable reserves, introduce new technologies, and design the development system. We have prepared 5 prospects for inclusion in the KazMunayGas portfolio of exploration projects, developed geological exploration projects of the Turgai Paleozoic, Karaton, Karazhar and others, as well as offshore projects of Kalamkas Khazar. We successfully held a Strategy Session on Technological Challenges and Increase of oil recovery factor of KMG fields and two more major Strategy Sessions with KMG and subsidiaries and affiliates, – informed the Head of the Company.

Achievements include the completion of construction of a new laboratory complex at the Atyrau branch of KMGE, completion of preparations for the implementation of 6 ABAI modules for KMG’s subsidiaries and affiliates. Consent from APDC (Agency for Protection and Development of Competition) was obtained for the expansion of laboratory services and hosting of applications (application programmes).

A large block of work was done on the implementation of social policy, in particular, the creation of favourable conditions for effective work of the staff, support and involvement of qualified experts. External and internal training was organised for 1,615 employees of KMGE, 1,210 employees from KMG and KMG’s subsidiaries and affiliates were trained through the online platform of the Distance Learning System.

In 2023, KMG Engineering started to develop a digital diagnostic Atlas to assess the hydrogen generation potential based on qualitatively analysed data on water resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the available RES potential. Visualisation of the evaluated data on water resources availability in a certain region of the country is planned, which will allow analysing different hydrogen generation scenarios. The project is implemented as part of works implemented by KazMunayGas to implement resource conservation measures and increase the share of renewable energy sources to achieve decarbonisation goals, in accordance with international commitments to address low-carbon development and climate change issues.

Among the tasks planned by the Company for 2024 in the field of engineering studies is the conclusion of an Agreement with Kalamkas-Khazar Operating LLP within the framework of the Kalamkas Sea and Khazar project for the performance of technical support and expertise and preparation of a comprehensive technical and economic assessment in the following areas: construction, drilling, development and regulatory work on the basic documents. Work on researching the investment potential of promising offshore development projects in the Kazakhstan sector of the Caspian Sea will also be continued.

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