
Representative of KMG Engineering delivered a thematic lecture to NU students

Representative of KMG Engineering delivered a thematic lecture to NU students

Gaukhar Bektas, a leading engineer of the Geology and Exploration Service of the Atyrau Branch of KMGE, dedicated her speech to Nazarbayev University students on the “PVT. Properties of oil and gas” topic.

 The speaker revealed to future professional experts the specifics of the issue under discussion, in particular, she presented the most important information regarding the efficiency of the process of developing oil deposits, told how the operation of technological equipment of wells is carried out, the construction of thermodynamic models of reservoir hydrocarbon mixtures is ensured, what oil is, samples, and also gave a classification oil and gas, presenting in detail all the points of her speech.

The children were highly interested in topics reflecting the types of existing reservoir fluid sampling, PVT analysis, correlation dependencies, reasons for differences in fluid properties and what PVT experiments are currently being carried out by specialists for reservoir oil and gas condensate.

Concluding the theoretical block of the speech, the lecturer gave students the opportunity to consolidate the information received by completing a number of practical tasks within the framework of the topic under discussion.

Let us remind you that Gauhar has been a member of the Atyrau SPE board since 2022 and has been appointed responsible for conducting and organizing educational lectures.


The Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) is a non-profit professional association with more than 124,800 members in 134 countries involved in oil and gas exploration and production. SPE is a key resource for technical knowledge, providing opportunities for information exchange through in-person and online events, training courses, publications and other resources. SPE has offices in Dallas, London, Dubai, Kuala Lumpur, Calgary and Houston.

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