
International Conference Results were announced

International Conference Results were announced

“Relevant Issues of Hydrocarbon Resources and Reserves Increase”.

The young specialists from the KMG Engineering Atyrau branch took part in the event.

Their reports were of great interest to the participants and were evaluated as competition papers by the Commission.


1st place:

 “A comprehensive geochemical study of condensate, gas and core from the Moinkum Deposit gas-condensate fields (South Kazakhstan)”.Authors: Y.Sh. Seitkhaziyev, M.K. Ibagarov.

1st place:

“PVT simulation of reservoir fluid properties within the Karaton-Sarkamys block based on the example of the Prorva group of fields” Authors: R.N. Uteyev, A.S. Mardanov, Z.S. Murzagaliyeva, G.Z. Kokymbayeva, E.V. Yermekov.

2nd place:

“PVT simulation of properties in the Taisogan block based on the example of the Uaz, East Uaz, and North Uaz fields”. Authors: А.S. Mardanov, Z.S. Murzagaliyeva, E.V. Yermekov, G.Z. Kokymbayeva, R.U. Dosniyazov.

2nd place:

 “Preliminary assessment of recoverable oil reserves in fields with carbonate reservoirs”. Authors: G.B. Duzbayeva, V.Z. Khazhitov, A.S. Mardanov.

As mentioned earlier, the leading specialists of Kazakhstan, neighboring countries, China, France, Russia, Cameroon, Iran and other countries presented their works at the conference held on May 17-18, 2022 in the K.I. Satpayev KazNITU.

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