
Experience Exchange and Worthy Recognition

Experience Exchange and Worthy Recognition

The international scientific-practical conference in Satpayev KazNITU on May 17-18 this year reviewed contemporary concerns of hydrocarbon resources and reserves expansion. The conference was attended by young specialists from the KMG Engineering Atyrau branch. The reports they presented caught the participants’ interest and will be reviewed by commissions as competitive works, with several of them already receiving high praise.

Leading experts from Kazakhstan, neighboring countries, China, France, Russia, Cameroon, Iran, and other countries presented their work at the conference.

“I have very positive feelings about participating in the conference. We had a fantastic opportunity to share our experiences and listen to our colleagues’ reports. All of the papers were interesting, especially the one presented by Satpayev University students, who discussed strategies for reducing the viscosity of hard-to-recover oil.” – Gaukhar KOKYMBAYEVA, Senior Engineer of the Geology and Geological Exploration Service of KMG Engineering Atyrau branch, noted.

By the way, both works by G. Kokymbayeva in co-authorship with E. Yermekov “Modeling of PVT properties within reservoir fluids within Karaton-Sarykamys block on the example of Prorva group of fields” and in co-authorship with E. Yermekov and R. Dosniyazov “Modeling of PVT properties within Taisoigan block by the example of Uaz, Uaz East and Uaz North fields” were recognized as one of the best and will be published in the “Izvestiya” newspaper in English.

The work on “Comprehensive geochemical study of condensate, gas and core of gas-condensate fields in the Moykumsk trough (South Kazakhstan)” by Yesimkhan Seitkhaziyev, the head of the laboratory for geochemical studies of oil, water and rocks of the KMG Engineering Atyrau branch, co-authored with M. Ibagarov was also highly appreciated and noted as the most extensive and with a huge experimental potential. Similarly, Gulzhanat Duzbayeva, a young specialist of the Atyrau branch – engineer of the service of development of KGM, KTM, KOA, and UO fields – successfully delivered a presentation on “Preliminary assessment of recoverable oil reserves in fields, folded carbonate reservoirs.”

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