
There is an open way for the young everywhere with us

There is an open way for the young everywhere with us

Today, the hero of the column, or rather the heroine, is Ayaulym Amankeldiyeva, an engineer of the expert group of KMG Engineering LLP. Ayaulym has been working in the Company for a relatively short period of time, about a year, but she has already managed to achieve the impressive results in her professional field. In short, within the walls of KMGE, the engineer combats complications, develops laboratory testing programs, analyzes and evaluates the reports, based on the results of the pilot tests, and manages much

Ayaulym is native to Semipalatinsk. After graduating from the Eurasian University, she studied at the Technical University in Poland as an exchange student, and also studied at the Moscow Financial and Industrial University, where she received a Master’s degree in Management. The girl was rotated as part of the “Жас Өркен” program internship at the KazNIPImunaigas Branch under the mentorship of Nurlan Zhaparov, the Head of the Complications Combating Service.

– The rotation meant for me gaining a lot of experience directly at the production facilities, and I also got access to a modern and equipped laboratory of KazNIPImunaigas, where I continued research in order to improve the “SatTi” program. I had the opportunity to work at the Atyrau Oil Refinery, where I dealt with the production of aromatic hydrocarbons, – says Ayaulym.

In 2020, the girl is already undertaking an internship at the Head Office, in the team of Maksat Tleshev, a KMGE disciplinary expert, whereupon, since April 2021, she is an employee of the Company’s Head Office.

– Ayaulym is a very talented employee and a capable student, she is in charge of several serious projects at a time, with which she successfully copes. The research, which the engineer is carrying out, is related to such important issues for our Company as solving the problems of scaling and corrosion at the facilities of the large oil companies in Kazakhstan, and monitoring complications in the oil and gas fields, as part of the “ABAI” project implementation, – this is how M. Tleyshev characterized his employee.

Well, first things first.

– Today, a problem of scaling is particularly acute for some fields, along with corrosion. I will explain, scaling is the process of accumulating the solid precipitation of inorganic salts on the well walls, rising pipes, in the pumping equipment and ground communications of the oil collecting and treatment systems, as well as in the reservoir rocks, which subsequently leads to a number of problems, – shared in an interview with us Ayaulym.

The fact is that the exploitation of wells is currently carried out at the old, depleted fields, where high water cut of the produced fluid is revealed.

– All this entails the need for a premature expensive repair and puts the equipment out of order. Therefore, the solution to the problem of scaling is one of the most important ones for the operation of the oilfield equipment, – avouches the expert.

She adds that the laboratory studies of the causes of scaling are required for the successful problem investigation, which has been implemented at KazNIPImunaigas, where the scaling samples of the Uzen field and the inhibitory efficiency are investigated by the laboratory staff in the working order.                                                                                                                                                                                           According to the engineer, the precipitation of salts occurs as a result of changes in the ionic composition of their solutions, pH, pressure and temperature.

– So, the researchers M. Jordan and E. Mackay from the University of Hariot-Watt (the Great Britain) offer three main reasons for the formation of scaling in the ground and sea oilfield systems. Among them are a decrease in pressure and/or temperature of the mineralized water, leading to a decrease in the solubility of salts, and mixing of two incompatible fluids, usually the formation water with the high content of cations and evaporation of the mineralized water, as a result of which the concentration of salts in it increases up to the solubility limit, which causes them to precipitate from the solution.

This can occur in the gas wells, characterized by high pressures and temperatures, in which the dry gas stream is mixed with a small amount of saline water.

In search for a solution to such an urgent problem, the engineer, in collaboration with Maksat Tleshev, has developed the “SatTi” program for the further injection of the program code in the “Complications Monitoring” module.

– I am a chemist by trade, and mainly worked in the field of engineering recovery. The software development was not part of my plans. But once Maksat Tleshev asked if I knew the Python programming language, and I had studied it at the Krakow Polytechnic University. That’s how the idea was born to create a program, which calculates the probability of scaling, using a programming language. At that time, I didn’t know much about the “ABAI” project, but I was always interested in digitalization and was proud of our developers. After all, such a large project is being implemented in Kazakhstan. Now, among such developers, I am trying to contribute to the “ABAI” IS project. Apart from the development, I participate in the implementation of the “Complications Monitoring” module, where we carry out replication and its implementation in the oil-producing subsidiaries and affiliates of NC KMG JSC, – shared Ayaulym.

The very name “SatTi” originates from Sat – saturation, T – team, i – index, in other words, the saturation index, calculated by the team!

At the same time, Ayaulym is working on the “Complications Monitoring” module of the “ABAI” system, developed for OMG, which is aimed at solving problems in the oil production. The module contains the databases of the used inhibitors, their planned dosage, and corrosion rates. The latter indicator is calculated on the basis of a model, developed for the operating conditions of each installation group. The model takes into account the dynamics of changes in the content of hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide and other parameters of the produced fluid, which are an aggressive environment in terms of corrosion of the oil and gas equipment. Also, now it is possible to transfer the initial information for the calculations directly from the production facilities through a mobile application, which is at the stage of development by the IT specialists of KMGE. Thus, there is no need to fill out the data many times.

– I would like to express my deep gratitude to my mentors, Maksat Tleshev and Nurlan Zhaparov, as well as to the General Director of the Company, Bakytzhan Kenessovich, who fully supported our idea, proposed an offer to me, and suggested the direction to continue my internship in the laboratory of the Aktau Branch, where I received a tremendous professional experience, – adds the young specialist in conclusion of the conversation. 

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