
Arman Taubayev: bringing your whole self to work

Arman Taubayev: bringing your whole self to work

Arman Taubayev has started his career in our team 17 years ago as a lab assisstant. According to him, over the previous years in the KMG Engineering team, he has learned to think out of the box, to be proactive, to defend his point of view and always to stand for justice.

Our colleague is sure that in the last 17 years, the laboratory has dramatically changed for the better. The technology development has considerably facilitated our work. Laboratory analysis of oil, associated gas and reservoir water are necessary to solve issues related to the fields development and well products refining. The data obtained are used to solve all technological issues related to the choice of optimal work conditions for petroleum equipment, field gathering system and transportation of products, oil and gas treatment facilities. The course of development of the oil and gas industry starts with laboratory research.

Now Arman Taubayev’s laboratory team is planning to achieve all the goals for the current year in time :

I am critical about errors, especially when it comes to work. Therefore, I support the idea of digitalization and at the moment we are actively developing an electronic laboratory management system, switching to an electronic method of entering logs and data recording. This system will reduce all possible human factors errors, as well as will greatly save time, spent on duplicating data in different print formats.

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