
The winners were chosen based on the results of the KMGE training session

The winners were chosen based on the results of the KMGE training session

Employees of the talent pool, consisting of five teams, presented their projects to a competitive commission represented by the company’s management, the members of which were (Chairman of the commission B.K. Khassanov, commission members – Zh.K. Nugmanov, A.V. Sveshnikov, R.G. Khayrettinov and I.D. Vasiliev).

Based on the results of the projects of the review teams, the commission announced the first place winners. The winner was the ABAI Way team with the ABAI IP Commercialization Project.

Team members:

Olzhas Baurzhanovich Begimbetov

Gulzhan Zhumabekovna Bekmagambetova

Yessengali Aldabergenovich Amaniyazov

Alibek Berikkaliyevich Zhaikanov

Nurlan Sultangaliyevich Zhaparov

Marina Valeryevna Pokhilyuk 

The “Most Innovative Solution” nomination was also awarded to the Fish Bone team, which presented the Application of Multilateral Wells at the Kozhasai Field Project.

And the “Best Team Work” award was given to the Prevention of paraffin deposition in the Oil Gathering System of OMG JSC Project, implemented by the Reds team. The terms of the competition state that the authors of the winning project will be given the opportunity to intern abroad by KMG Engineering if it is implemented in 2023.
Furthermore, reservists who actively participate in the implementation of the Individual Development Plan will be sent for consideration and subsequent inclusion in the KazMunayGas head company’s talent pool.

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