
The training «Negotiation Management» was held within the framework of the «Boost» training program on 18-19th of June 2022.

The training «Negotiation Management» was held within the framework of the «Boost» training program on 18-19th of June 2022.

  • 22.06.2022
  • News-Eng
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This time the trainer was Mukhtar Bekzhanov, a psychologist, teacher of psychology, who has 27 years of practical experience in management.

– Mukhtar Maratovich is an expert in all types of classes, including the use of active learning methods, such as brainstorming, business and role-playing games, training seminars, etc. He is the author of his own methodology for the formation of managerial thinking skills in psychology classes and has deep experience in developing training programs, plans for conducting any kind of classes, – the project organizers informed.

The participants studied the concept of customer focus as a condition that ensures the successful development of the company and its employees, were familiarized with the main stages of organizing and conducting negotiations and the sales process, formed the skills of effective interaction with the client during negotiations and sales, within the «Negotiation Management» training.

The modular training program – the sales project «Boost» is designed for employees of KMG Engineering and provides for theoretical and practical classes with the participation of invited speakers.

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