
Modeling of PVT properties in Kazakhstan fields

Modeling of PVT properties in Kazakhstan fields

KMG Engineering representative took part in Moscow conference on Mathematical Modeling and Computer Technologies in Field Development Processes.

Gaukhar Kokymbayeva, Senior Engineer of the Geology and Geological Exploration Service of KMGE Atyrau Branch, made a successful presentation at the scientific conference on Mathematical Modeling and Computer Technologies in Field Development Processes.

KMGE representative introduced the following work: “Modeling of PVT properties in the Taisogan block based on the example of Uaz, Uaz East and Uaz North fields”, prepared in co-authorship with her colleagues – Eldar Yermekov and Rinat Dosniyazov. 

“We reviewed previous implementation and practical application experience of the software module for modeling PVT properties of fluids using a composite model on the basis of a number of Kazakhstan fields. The paper discusses the distinct characteristics of real reservoir gas-oil systems. PVT model will allow to make more accurate forecasts of development indicators, recalculate the deposits reserves and assess the technical efficiency of various EOR methods,” the speaker briefly shared with us about her research.

Oil Industry International magazine of Moscow, RF was the host of the event, the guests of which were leading experts and heads of scientific and technological centers of the Ministry of Energy of Russia, representatives of official bodies, experienced experts, directors of Russian oil companies, professors of state universities for oil and gas training.

N.N. Mikhailov, expert and moderator, professor of Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NRU), highly evaluated the report of G. Kokymbayeva. As a result of collegial discussion it was decided to publish her scientific work in the Oil Industry magazine in the nearest future.

We congratulate our colleague!

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