
KMGE employees were the authors of the publication in the first issue of the Petroleum magazine in 2023

KMGE employees were the authors of the publication in the first issue of the Petroleum magazine in 2023

  • 03.03.2023
  • News-Eng
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Colleagues from the Department of Alternative Energy have published their analytical study on the prospects for green hydrogen production in Kazakhstan in the Petroleum magazine. This article is based on the previously published scientific work of colleagues in the collection of the Asian Development Bank Institute (Institute of the Asian Development Bank) ” Toward hydrogen economy in Kazakhstan “, which is the first publication dedicated to the entire chain of hydrogen energy in Kazakhstan).

Our article has aroused a widespread interest in academia, international organizations, and government agencies, leading the editors of the Petroleum magazine to express their desire to republish this work for a wider audience.

The three main reasons that encourage different countries to strive for the development of a hydrogen economy are decarbonization, export potential and energy security. In the coming decade, Kazakhstan will have to challenge itself to achieve more ambitious decarbonization targets as the country’s current energy and climate policies fail to take into account the importance of hydrogen. The country needs a dedicated hydrogen strategy or roadmap to accelerate the transition from a hydrocarbon economy to a hydrogen economy”.

The article is available at the link:  

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