
KMG Engineering introduced the “ABAI” IS to Tengizchevroil representatives

KMG Engineering introduced the “ABAI” IS to Tengizchevroil representatives

The meeting with colleagues took place at the TCO headquarters in Atyrau. The participants were: Zhanibek Nugmanov, Deputy General Director of KMG Engineering LLP, Asel Kussainova, Head of Project Administration Sector of the Transformation and Digitalization Department of KazMunayGas NC JSC.

What is “ABAI” IS?

Zhanibek Kairbekovich briefly presented this project. He stressed that ABAI is a full-scale Big Data Project that uses Artificial Intelligence.

– The main goals of the information system are to improve operational efficiency by shortening the time required for managerial decision-making and to incorporate modern analytical systems into business processes. In addition, another goal of the system is to instantly aggregate and visualize any upstream data without the use of additional software. The third goal of the system is to provide remote access for continuous production management.

The speaker highlighted the important benefits of ABAI:

“The Smart Fields and Visualization Center functionality is also available in addition to data analysis from the fields. ABAI will provide significant benefits to the company when implemented in practice. There are several of them: more accurate management decisions. In the Oil & Gas industry, there is a lot of uncertainty because it is impossible to know whether a well will be successfully drilled or not. Therefore, only 7 out of 10 production wells drilled are likely to have production. We need to use data collection and analysis technologies in this case. Artificial intelligence helps “recognize” oil deposits that geologists might have missed, this is the so-called digital oil,” the speaker noted.

The second advantage, he claims, is the widespread use of visualization centers. We can track indicators in real time and generate reports for stakeholders using these centers. For example, for the company’s top management or government agencies, as well as potential investors.

With this system, all production information will be centrally stored in a single database, and data aggregation, processing, and visualization will be two times faster without the use of additional software. ABAI uses Big Data technology to consolidate data from the Oil Exploration and Production block into a single information space.

This IT product allows to analyze a large amount of data, apply AI to solve complex problems and present the analysis results in a simple and easy-to-use form. A user-friendly system interface provides personalized workplaces for the group of companies’ employees, as well as modern visualization tools based on BI (business intelligence) analytics.

The next speaker was Ilya Vasiliev, Head of the Center for IT Development of KMG Engineering LLP, who presented the technologies and architecture of the system.

“The Platform is designed as a Web application with Hadoop data storage and processing, and it can work with both unstructured and real-time data. The ABAI database is the core of the system, and it provides all the information system modules with data. Modern methods and algorithms, as well as machine learning tools, are used to create sets of analytical modules.”

Overall, the ABAI Project will significantly improve the management decision-making process, facilitate the work of engineers and production staff at subsidiaries and affiliates, as well as increase oil production efficiency and reduce subsidiary operating costs.

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