
I am glad that I was born and raised in independent Kazakhstan

I am glad that I was born and raised in independent Kazakhstan

  Peers of Independence – behind them a difficult childhood in the difficult 90s, growing up in a dynamically developing country, growing family well-being and great prospects for education. One of them, Timur Ispanbetov, Leading Engineer of the Service for Stimulation of Oil Production and Enhanced Recovery of Reservoirs of the Atyrau branch of KMG Engineering LLP.

Timur was born and raised in the small town of Karatau in the south of Kazakhstan and the first person in the family who linked his life with the oil and gas industry. Timur’s mother works in the beauty industry, and his father is engaged in cargo transportation. Therefore, their son’s choice of a profession was received by them with surprise, but his parents fully supported him.

     According to Timur, his dream was to enter KBTU at the oil and gas faculty, which was successfully realized thanks to the dedication of the young man and opportunities for further growth were opened up for him..

– I have successfully passed the competition to study for a master’s degree at the Faculty of Economics of the Perm State University (PSU) in Russia with the possibility of obtaining a master’s degree from the Manchester Metropolitan University in the UK as part of a double degree program. International Oil and Gas Business Program with a degree in Management in Perm and Project Management in Manchester financed by the oil company Lukoil Overseas Ltd, in order to provide an opportunity for technical specialists to gain knowledge in economics and management. I would like to note the very strong teaching staff of Perm University. All two years of study under the program, we were involved in a project to improve the production and economic activities of one of the subsidiaries of Lukoil Overseas. In the win-win format, we received knowledge in economics and management in a short time and gave recommendations on the spot. As a result, the company received a fresh perspective on work processes. It seems to me that in Kazakhstan it would be interesting to implement such programs, – Timur shared with us.

Another pleasant bonus for the undergraduates of the aforementioned program was a diploma of professional retraining with the assignment of the qualification “Manager of strategic management of an oil and gas corporation” of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin, where they took courses similar to MBA programs for two months. In Manchester, the emphasis was on project management in general and project management – a very interesting and promising direction today.

Today, as part of his career in the Atyrau branch of KMG Engineering LLP, Timur specializes in projects related to enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods, in particular polymer flooding projects. These are complex and interesting projects that require knowledge in areas related to the development of oil fields. According to Timur, he is in charge of polymer flooding projects at two fields. On the first one, there was a problem with high water cut. During the implementation of the polymer flooding project, the water cut has stabilized, as well as the level of oil production, which previously decreased by an average of 10% per year. The second project has been implemented for a little over 2 years in a field with high-viscosity oil as part of pilot testing (EPT). Now, on this project, there is an increase in the actual oil production at the pilot site and a decrease in water cut compared to the base case by 10-15%. In the future, the project has chances for expansion.  – My professional goal is to progress in this narrow specialization and become one of the leading experts in the country in this direction. And the motivation for me is the opportunity: to initiate EOR projects, to communicate with local and foreign colleagues to exchange experience and prospects for the implementation of such projects in the fields of Kazakhstan. Summarizing all of the above, I want to note that I am glad that I was born and raised in independent Kazakhstan. Prospects for obtaining professional education in the oil and gas industry in the leading educational institutions of Russia and Great Britain were opened before me. Kazakhstan of the future, in my view, is an independent figure on the geopolitical map of the world, with its own clear development strategy and the best conditions created for citizens inside the country – the main builders of such a state. I am sure that Kazakhstan of the future will have a strong and stable economy based on our traditional industries and those that will appear over time, ”summed up the peer of the Independence of our country.

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