
Congratulations on your day, engineers!

Congratulations on your day, engineers!

World Engineering Day is celebrated annually on March 4, including in Kazakhstan

This day is devoted to professionals who ensure scientific and technological progress.

Probably all types of engineering specialties exist today – ranging from researchers, technologists and designers to ecologists and IT-technicians – are represented in KMG Engineering most vividly.

Such a variety of professional fields is reasonable – the company provides a range of services in the field of scientific-engineering and supervisory support of prospecting, exploration, drilling, oil production in the KMG fields, successfully carrying out scientific research from exploration and development planning to design and development of Oil & Gas fields

This way employees’ joint efforts, including KMG Engineering’s engineers, are of great importance for the development of the Oil Industry.

The company’s team has implemented many projects to introduce advanced engineering solutions, and there is no doubt that there is a large share of engineers’ work in all the achievements over the past period.

Some background:

The professional day of engineers, scientists and inventors was established back in 2004 on the initiative of the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO) and established by the resolution of the General Conference of UNESCO. The Day is a symbol of the world community’s respect for the work of specialists in this field and the recognition of their contribution to the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Plan and Improvement of People’s Quality of Life. The professional day of engineers, scientists and inventors was initiated by the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO) and established by a resolution of the UNESCO General Conference, which was held in November 2019 in Paris.

Engineers address global challenges, from providing access to clean water and reliable energy to bringing digital technology to all areas of human life. Engineering is closely intertwined with science and, based on the tenets of basic science and the results of applied research, is a branch of scientific and technical activity.

That is why Engineering Day is a celebration of technical thought and action, a celebration of all those who ensure the steady development of scientific and technological progress on the planet. It is hard to overestimate the contribution of engineers to the strategic potential of every country, because thanks to their discoveries, the high goals of technological progress can be achieved and our lives can be changed for the better.

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