
Analytical formula and more

Analytical formula and more

The development of renewable energy sources is a topical issue, but in the near future oil will remain the main source of energy and an integral raw material for the production of necessary goods, – says Nauryzbek TUYAKOV, a peer of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, leading engineer of the oil recovery service of the branch of KMG Engineering LLP – KazNIPImunaygaz.

       Since childhood, Nauryzbek loved technical subjects, got along well with mathematics and physics, and after receiving his first economic education, he decided to study oil and gas business as well. Already with a diploma of an oilman, he completed additional training within the walls of the Institute of JSC NIPIneftegaz, according to the results of which he was hired as a specialist in the department of oil and gas fields development. Thanks to the knowledge and skills he gained during his work, he was promoted to the position of chief engineer. And already this year, Nauryzbek received a master’s degree in geology and exploration of mineral deposits.

 – We are currently completing a project to build a hydrodynamic model of polymer flooding at pilot sites of one of the major fields of the national company. Based on the results of the work, an analytical formula has been derived, which will make it possible to perform an express assessment of the effectiveness of technologies at new sites. We also carry out work on the construction of hydrodynamic models for another unique field in the Mangistau region, – Nauryzbek told us.

He shares the opinion that today KMG Engineering and its branches are one of the leading design institutes in our country..

– I am sure that we are peers of Independence and young specialists, we will make our own, special contribution to the further development of the institute, the domestic oil and gas complex and our country as a whole, – said Nauryzbek Tuyakov. We wish good luck to our Mangystau colleagues!

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