
About love for Mrs. “Geology”

About love for Mrs. “Geology”

On the eve of the celebration of the Independence of our country, several employees of KMG Engineering LLP were awarded high awards from the country’s leadership and government agencies. One of the highest awards – a medal from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym – Zhomart Tokayev “To the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan” was awarded to the director of the geology department of the Atyrau branch of KMG Engineering LLP Zhansaya Murzagalieva.

     – Since childhood, fate has given me special signs that I will be a geologist. I did not understand these signs for a long time, but over time I realized them and accepted my profession. I am happy that I connected my life with geology, – says Zhansaya Sailauovna about her professional choice.

    Her path to the difficult but fascinating profession of a geologist began in 1985 when she entered the oil department of the Saratov Oil Geological Prospecting College, from which young Zhansaya graduated with honors. Also, brilliantly, with a red diploma, he graduated from the Geological Faculty of the Saratov Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky.

   Thus, the working biography of the young geologist Zhansai Murzagalieva began. For 28 years she worked in JSC “ARMAKS”, the Western branch of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, LLP “KazNIGRI”, JSC NIPI “Caspiymunaigas”, LLP SRI “Caspiymunaigas”, and today she implements the most important projects for the national company and international partners in the team of the Atyrau branch KMG Engineering LLP.

    In her labor bank – direct participation in the design of exploration of new areas, additional exploration of already discovered deposits and geological assessment of structures. Research projects carried out with her participation, calculations / recalculations, increments in reserves have led to an increase in the resource base of previously discovered fields and an increase in the oil potential of our country.

  – Zhansaya Sailauovna is a highly qualified specialist who knows modern scientific methods and an integrated approach to organizing work. She contributed to the introduction of many new techniques into the algorithm for analyzing field and geological and geophysical data of problem deposits. As the head of a department, he always selects an individual approach to employees, based on the professional and personal qualities of each. He devotes a lot of time to mentoring youth and self-education, – noted Altynbek MARDANOV, First Deputy Director of the Atyrau branch of KMG Engineering LLP for geology and development.

    The professional knowledge and achievements of Zhansai Sailauovna are appreciated at the state level and in the professional geological community. She was awarded the badge “Honorary exploration of the mineral resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, a medal for the 120th anniversary of Kazakhstan oil, certificates of honor and letters of thanks from the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, NCOC, the Kazakhstan Society of Oil Geologists, KAZENERGY and KMG Engineering LLP.  – The main goal for me is to strengthen the oil and gas potential of our country. In the coming 2022, I set goals and objectives that should multiply the achievements of our institute. One of the main tasks for achieving high results is to further strengthen a purposeful, united and creative team. In December, while defending our reports on hydrocarbon reserves at the State Reserves Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, I noted to myself that our team was “already born” and should be further strengthened and developed. When there is a team in which everyone clearly understands their responsibilities and the tasks assigned to them, where relationships are built on mutual trust, then 40% of success in completing the task is already ensured. The remaining 60% are correctly formulated tasks and effective management. The advice for novice geologists is to love Mrs. Geology with all your heart, and in return she will share with you the treasures of her bowels. And also read more scientific literature, repeat everything that you went through in educational institutions and actively learn from the older generation. Absorb knowledge and skills like a “sponge”, do not envy the successes of colleagues and help each other, – from the bottom of her heart Zhansaya Sailauovna advises her young colleagues.

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