
KMG Engineering took part in the International Oil and Gas IT-Summit. Kazakhstan

KMG Engineering took part in the International Oil and Gas IT-Summit. Kazakhstan

The International Oil and Gas IT-Summit – a specialized platform for leaders of the oil and gas industry, the main purpose of which is to bring together representatives of Upstream and Downstream to find solutions in the field of digitalization – has finished in Almaty. Over 120 delegates, including over 70 representatives of industrial companies such as KazMunayGas, KMG Kumkol, KMG Engineering, Kazgermunay, Embamunaygas, Kazakhoil Aktobe, Kazakhturkmunay, Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V., and others took part in the Summit.

The business program of the event began with the Congress “Digitalization of Oil and Gas Industry of the Country”, with the speaker Ilya Vasilyev, Head of the Center for Information Technology Development of KMG Engineering. He spoke about the active process of digitalization, the technical development of the oil and gas industry on the example of the information system “ABAI”, as well as the implementation of advanced innovations in the IT-industry.

Ilya Vasilyev was awarded a diploma “For valuable contribution to the program of the Summit”:

In general, a rich and versatile agenda of the event allowed participants to learn from the experience of their colleagues, go into details of production processes and make plans for further negotiations and meetings.

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