
“KMG Engineering” honored mentors of « Zhas Orken».

“KMG Engineering” honored mentors of « Zhas Orken».

Once again, KMGI mentors, on behalf of the company’s management, were awarded Letters of Appreciation from the “Samruk-Kazyna” Corporate University, “Zhas Orken” badges and KazMunayGas Certificates of Honor for their contribution to the implementation of the Zhas Orken national project.

– The management of the company pays special attention to the merits of mentors for their professionalism, quality of work in the role of mentors for young employees, their significant contribution to the development of the common cause, and also expresses gratitude for the knowledge and efforts put into the development of talented youth, assistance in the implementation of the Young Professionals Support Program, – noted the representatives of the Corporate University.

On May 20 this year young specialists of “Zhas Orken 2020” successfully completed the Program.

Presenting the awards, General Director B. Khasanov congratulated his colleagues on high recognition and emphasized the importance of their work on interaction with the young generation of oil workers.

 Among those awarded were the following colleagues:

 Idrisova Elmira – Director of the Department of Ecology of the “KazNIPImunaigas” KMG Engineering Branch;

Beckbau Bakbergen – Leading Researcher of the Modeling Service of the Integrated Modeling Department of KMG Engineering;

Amanov Azamat – Head of Corporate Solutions Sector of KMG Engineering.

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