
KMG Engineering experts had a trip to Renewable Еnergy Sites

KMG Engineering experts had a trip to Renewable Еnergy Sites

A Senior Engineer of the Hydrogen Energy Competence Center attended the “Renewable Energy Trip – 2022” Educational Trip to Learn the Best Practices for Using Renewable Energy Sources.

Organizers of the Scientific Trip were the Ministry of Energy of Kazakhstan, Qazaq Green Association and Kazakh-German University.

“The main purpose of the trip was to investigate the operational and functional features of RES sites and to collect analytical data. Participants in the expedition deepened their knowledge in the field of green energy generation, which is the foundation of the green hydrogen production. We have learned about solar, wind and hydroelectric power plants, their technical and technological features, existing problems and ways to solve them,” said Daulet Zhakupov, Senior Engineer of the Center.

From June 19 to June 26, the participants of the trip visited a number of operating RES sites in the southern and central regions of Kazakhstan. In particular, those were: Kapchagai HPP, HPP in Konayev – 2 MW, Burnoe HPP – 100 MW, mini-HPP in Merke – 1.2 MW, Nura HPP – 100 MW, HPP in Saran – 100 MW, WPP in Yermentau – 50 MW and HPP in Kostomar village – 100 MW.

The main objectives of the Renewable Energy Trip are to obtain knowledge and experience in practical research, prepare best practice cases for using Renewable Energy, as well as to disseminate information, exchange experiences between countries and develop scientific partnerships in Central Asia, the organizers note.

The “Renewable Energy Trip” Educational Trip to Learn the Best Practices for Using Renewable Energy Sources Project is organized to visit facilities with Renewable Energy Sources.

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