
The Digital KMG 2023 forum in Astana was held with the participation of the management of KMG Engineering

The Digital KMG 2023 forum in Astana was held with the participation of the management of KMG Engineering

General Director of KMGE Malik Salimgereyev addressed the audience with a welcoming speech. He noted that “today digitalization remains one of the most relevant trends in all industries, including the country’s oil and gas sector.” In his report, the head of the company emphasized – “for the effective management of any production, a very important factor is to provide timely and high-quality information to people who manage all processes.”

 – Historically, KMG’s mining companies have accumulated a huge array of production data, the amount of information is growing at a fast pace from year to year. Available solutions are built on old technologies that take into account the volume and heterogeneity of data. To solve individual problems, numerous specialized information products were used, the data in which had to be collected separately, and they were not integrated with each other. For example, only the process of selecting new wells for drilling takes several months, with the participation of geologists, drilling people, technologists, and economists. At the same time, we know that all the information we have in one form or another is stored in different sources. With the use of modern IT solutions, we can reduce this process to a couple of weeks and improve the economics of oil operations.

To solve these problems, KMG Engineering in 2020 began to develop the ABAI information system, which is aimed at solving the problems of digitalization of production processes.

– The concept proposed by us involves the creation of a single centralized data warehouse for the KMG group of companies and all KMG production companies in the Upstream block, the creation of analytics tools for solving tactical and strategic production tasks, including using elements of artificial intelligence and computerized learning. The use of parallel computing technologies on the KMG Engineering supercomputer also makes it possible to significantly reduce the calculation time.

Let us add that currently 17 modules are being developed or implemented by KMGE experts, which cover all areas of activity from geology and drilling, development and production, to development and economics.

Despite the short period of industrial use of the system for certain modules, obvious benefits have already been obtained. For example, according to the results of 2022, by improving the calculation of the potential of wells, the average increase from the stimulation of production was increased by 40%, due to the use of a systematic approach in the selection of downhole pumping equipment, failures were reduced by 24%, due to the optimization of the dosage of the corrosion inhibitor, the corrosion rate decreased 10 times.

By the way, the forum presented digital transformation solutions for the company, as well as the use of the latest technologies to improve their processes and ensure more efficient work. This may include the transition to cloud services, the use of artificial intelligence and data analytics, process automation, the introduction of digital platforms and other innovative technologies. For the first time in the country, the forum platform brought together almost all key subsoil users of Kazakhstan and representatives of leading IT companies:

The Forum provided an opportunity for attendees to discuss new technology trends and innovations that could impact different industries and applications, as well as showcase the latest products and services in a variety of fields.

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