
Support of exploration assets

Support of exploration assets

Support of exploration assets

The support of exploration assets includes monitoring and supervising geological exploration work on seismic exploration and drilling of wells. Geological exploration works are accompanied from the well construction stage to the testing stage, from the planning stage of field research, processing of seismic data to the stage of structural and dynamic interpretation with adjustments, analysis of geological uncertainties and risks.

As part of the supervision of seismic exploration works:

  • at the planning stage of field research: the parameters, design and methodology of conducting are determined;
  • at the stage of data processing/re-processing: quality control of the processing results is performed and at the end of each stage, a general meeting of the involved specialists of the Contractor, representatives of the Customer and project supervisors is held to discuss the results of the Services rendered. At these meetings, the results of testing, as well as conclusions and recommendations made on their basis, are presented in the form of presentations. If necessary, the basic processing graph is adjusted;
  • at the stage of structural interpretation of the data: the phase correlation of the reflecting horizons is analyzed according to the geological representations of the structural and tectonic plan of the sedimentary cover;
  • at the stage of dynamic data interpretation: quality control of the results of quantitative interpretation of seismic data (AVO analysis, inversion, etc.) is carried out.

As part of supervising the construction of exploration wells:

  • at the stage of the analysis of the laying point: the most promising areas are determined based on the results of dynamic analysis of seismic data, basin modeling, historical information, the forecast geological section is determined;
  • at the construction stage: drilling data is monitored, sludge and core analysis is performed, operational interpretation of GIS data is performed;
  • at the completion stage: geological and geophysical data analysis is performed to identify sampling intervals.