
Monitoring of field development

Monitoring of field development

Monitoring of field development

The main task facing any oil-producing enterprise is to achieve the best financial and economic indicators while simultaneously meeting all the requirements for the rational use of mineral resources. To achieve this goal, it is important to consolidate all the activities carried out in the production process into a single integrated plan. Thus, it is possible to minimize operating costs and increase the efficiency of field development.

KMG Engineering LLP performs a comprehensive analysis of the development efficiency, modeling of measures and their optimization depending on the goals set: such as increasing production, minimizing downtime, resource availability, minimizing costs, and so on. In addition, comprehensive planning of events and monitoring of their implementation is carried out.

ANALYSIS — based on the analyzed data, recommendations are provided on cattle, GTM, optimization of well performance and mechanical extraction systems, and other measures. Recommendations are given as a result of the analysis of “big data” based on analytical algorithms and user rules and conditions. All recommendations are accompanied by a forecast estimate of costs and production growth.

PLANNING — drawing up schedules of activities on assets with daily updates of a comprehensive production management plan. Optimization of measures allows us to solve the strategic task of the company: achieving production targets, optimizing costs, executing budgets, and so on.

MODELING is the most important function for the feasibility study of activities and forecasting of production profiles based on the implementation of a comprehensive development management plan. It also allows you to provide analysis taking into account infrastructure constraints to assess potential bottlenecks and perform analytical calculations using an integrated field model.

MONITORING — management and control of the implementation of the integrated action plan. Analysis of indicators of oil, gas, condensate, and injection production over time. Production forecasting and construction of trend dependencies. Analysis of the dynamics of the hydrocarbon production schedule by components (basic production, gains from various types of GTM, intra-shift losses by groups of reasons and with details). Dynamics of the well stock by purpose and condition. Analysis of the fund by watering groups, oil, gas and liquid flow rate groups, pick-up rate and their combination at the same time.

One of the key features of KMG Engineering LLP is the possibility of creating a unique environment where experts and specialists can closely cooperate in solving interdisciplinary tasks. The full coverage of mining-related business processes within one structure allows you to build joint operational centers of competence on key production issues.